Anna May

Anna likes to keep herself busy by working on different projects. Besides graphic design & illustration, she writes, photographs, codes and constantly experiments on new art directions.
Anna May is a young designer based in Melbourne who mainly works on graphic design & illustration.

Besides working...

If she was not a designer, she wishes to be a music teacher.
She was born and raised in Malaysia, a beautiful multi-cultured country. Now she is living in the most livable city, Melbourne. Who knows, she might just move again.

As for hobbies, she loves traveling, baking, makeup, and rock music. Anna spends her spare time playing her favourite songs on the piano and violin.

Just like every other Malaysian, she loves spicy food, eating out at the night market, and despises the ever-scrorching weather.

Anna is curious by nature. She is available for freelance. Interested in a collaboration?
Get in touch.
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